Sunday, January 30, 2011

23 Blessings.

There are many reasons why I love what I do for a living.

1) I truly have felt called to this since the 1st grade.  It may seem cliche, but it's true.  Playing "school" as a child and dreaming of becoming a teacher has now become my living dream.  However, I must say, it has taken on a bit more meaning since then.

2) I work with some unbelievable people.  People who challenge me to become a better teacher, person, and follower of Christ.  I go to work each day knowing I am supported by friends.  When I need a laugh, I can walk across the hall to get one.  When I need to cry, I can do the same.  I pray that everyone has a supportive work environment, because without one, I could not do what I do.

3) But, without a doubt, my favorite thing about being a teacher is the relationship I get to have with my students.  Not only am I their teacher but at times their mom, sister, friend, confidant, and a lot of times, their stability.  What an incredible responsibility.

Teaching instantly becomes something so much more than instructing a lesson in the moment that you see your precious students pictures on your class list.  They are mine for a year.  I can see it as a year to teach my students math, science, social studies, and English OR I can delve deep into the year, not only teaching lessons but truly "making a careful exploration of who I am and the work I have been given and then sink myself into that." (Galatians 6:4 MSG).  I want to be consistent and stable for them.  I long to stay calm when the rest of the world around them may not be.  I long to encourage, to teach, to sharpen, and to inspire.

This year I have been entrusted with 23 students.  My 23 blessings.  I have been with them through highs, lows, and all of the times in between.  I teach 2nd grade.  Looking back on my 2nd grade days, the biggest complaint and struggle I had was not getting invited to spend the night with so-and-so on Friday night.  Oh, how I long for that to be all of my students' biggest problem.

After a LONG day at work on Friday, I came home and relaxed.  I went to sleep that night praying for a specific student of mine.  I woke up praying for the same student.  That, to me, is a clear picture that the Holy Spirit took that prayer and carried it through the night for me.  What an amazing realization.  The Lord is sovereign, powerful, and in control.  Thank goodness, because through all of the things I long to be for my students I need an example of a mom, sister, friend, and confidant; a true example of stability.  In being these things for my students, I want them to see Jesus.  Yes, I want to be their stability, and through this, I want them to see that I have placed my trust in Someone else.  That my ability to be stable comes from Him. I want them to know that it is not me.  The ministry I am in is so utterly apparent.  Go to the nations.  I have.  The elementary school I teach at in Mesquite, Texas, is absolutely my mission field.

I am thankful every day for my 23 blessings.  Do I have hard days?  YES.  Are there days when it is hard to put my feet on the floor and do it all over again?  YES.  Is there a day that passes when I am not thankful for my job and for my students?  NO, absolutely not.

"Your grace is sufficient for me, Your strength is made perfect when I am weak.  All that I cling to I lay at Your feet, Your grace is sufficient for me."

Teaching at the feet of the Father,
Amanda/Ms. B