Sunday, April 10, 2011


Tomorrow morning grades are due.  I must say that this is the thing I struggle with the MOST.  I grade papers and then put off entering them into the system.  Then, on top of that, I have some papers that have yet to be graded and I put it off until the night before (aka tonight).

On to another subject, can you believe that there are only 8 weeks left to this school year?  This year has flown by with my precious, sweet angels.  AND my goodness, how they've grown - academically and in height, may I add.  WOW.  They look like 3rd graders :(  I just want them to stay little 2nd graders for life.  The end of the year is bittersweet and I am certainly trying to enjoy the last 8 weeks that I am blessed with.  I'm not quite ready for the tears that will arrive as my students are about to leave me for summer break.  I've had 6 of these students for 2 years.  It will be so odd for me to see them with a new teacher because I truly only picture them in my class.  My goodness, I hope they come visit me next year or I will have withdrawals :)

Welp, off to grade.  I pray that this night will not be a SUPER late night.  Rather than updating this blog, I should be grading and entering.  But, I guess that's why I consider myself a master procrastinator.  Its good to be a master at something, right?

Learning to change my procrastination habits...tomorrow,

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